Utilising Social Science and Behaviour Change in Antimicrobial Stewardship Programmes: Improving Healthcare
Posted 2 years 4 months ago by BSAC
Duration : 2 weeks
Study Method : Online
Subject : Healthcare & Medicine
How can social science and behaviour change techniques be used within antimicrobial stewardship projects to bring about change.
Course Description
Hospital healthcare delivery is complex with changing priorities and demands. Improvements are required but how can we ensure they are delivered. Understanding behaviour is essential for change. This course builds on Week 5 of Antimicrobial Stewardship: Managing Antibiotic Resistance but is not a prerequisite for taking this course.
This course is designed for those involved in healthcare improvement, and will be of particular interest to members of Antimicrobial Stewardship Committees and team leads.
This course is designed for those involved in healthcare improvement, and will be of particular interest to members of Antimicrobial Stewardship Committees and team leads.
Career Path
- Demonstrate an understanding of Behaviour Change Techniques
- Assess the value of Behaviour Change Science to antimicrobial stewardship implementation in the learner's own location
- Assess current evidence for the effectiveness of behavior change to healthcare improvement
- Apply behaviour change theory to the identification of barriers and facilitators to change and intervention options
- Interpret behaviour: define in behavioural terms; select target behaviours; specify target behaviours and identify what needs to change
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