English as a Medium of Instruction for Academics
Posted 2 years 4 months ago by University of Southampton
Learn how to teach your subject in English
As universities work to become globally competitive courses taught in English are expanding.
Those working in Higher Education are often thrown into producing academic work in English – either as teachers or researchers – without training in English language or intercultural skills.
This course aims to remedy that, giving you a thorough introduction to English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI). You’ll learn about current EMI practice, and increase your confidence in using English, you’ll also work to grow your intercultural skills.
Join us and get prepared for the global classroom.
This short course has been created for non-native speakers of English, required to teach in HE through the medium of English. The ideas underpinning the course are based in the work of Professor Jennifer Jenkins and researchers at the Centre for Global Englishes.
This short course has been created for non-native speakers of English, required to teach in HE through the medium of English. The ideas underpinning the course are based in the work of Professor Jennifer Jenkins and researchers at the Centre for Global Englishes.
- Explore aspects of research and practice in contemporary EMI across the world
- Develop confidence in using English as a medium of instruction and become part of a community of practice in EMI
- Compare the different contexts of use for EMI and reflect upon how this understanding fits with your own teaching context
- Identify challenges in facilitating effective intercultural communication in a variety of contexts (lectures, seminars, writing etc) and explore how these may be addressed
- Explore the role of the voice in effective intercultural communication
- Identify appropriate language to facilitate effective communication in English and discuss the role of language in intercultural communication
- Investigate how to promote successful communication in educational interactions
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