Introduction to Anatomy: Learning the Anatomical Alphabet
Posted 2 years 4 months ago by Charles Sturt University
This course is about learning human anatomy. Since we are each confined to a human body of our own, this course couldn’t be more widespread in it’s appeal. Understanding human anatomy is essential if one is to understand how the body works and is foundational to countless professions.
Many students in tertiary education find anatomy difficult because of the need to learn a very large number of new words and terms while simultaneously understanding their meaning. This course will help spread the load for students wishing to learn anatomy at an early tertiary level.
This course is part of our Study with Australia collection, with free upgrades and digital certificates supported by the Australian Trade and Investment Commission until 31st July 2020. Explore more courses from leading Australian education providers.
This course is for anyone wishing to learn the fundamentals of human anatomy and would be especially useful if you are considering further study in the health sciences.
This course is for anyone wishing to learn the fundamentals of human anatomy and would be especially useful if you are considering further study in the health sciences.
- Explore fundamental anatomical terminology and the anatomical position
- Describe the positions and movements of anatomical structures using anatomical terminology
- Identify and classify major anatomical structures of the upper limb
- Describe the relationship between structures of the upper limb and joint motion