Learn Bahasa Melayu: Grammatical rules in Malay
Posted 2 years 2 months ago by Universiti Malaya
Build your base knowledge and confidence in Malay
Building on the content covered in Learn Bahasa Melayu: Introduction to the Malay Language, this three-week course from Universiti Malaya will further your understanding of more complex grammar and pronunciation and take your conversational skills to the next level.
Discover grammar in the Bahasa language
You’ll be introduced to the grammar that is key to understanding the language. You’ll first explore a range of grammatical rules in Malay, then conclude with basic sentence patterns and structure.
Experiment with other Malay speakers
Learning Malay with the correct grammar will allow you to easily structure Malay sentences and phrases. With a basic understanding of the language, you will be able to communicate with Malay speakers. ‘Selamat maju jaya!’ Good luck!
Learn a new language with experts from the top university in Malaysia
Universiti Malaya is the number one university in Malaysia and their educators are the best in their field of studies. As an international resource of knowledge and expertise in languages and linguistics, UM has well-equipped educators to help you develop your understanding and skills in Bahasa Melayu.
The target audiences of this course are international students who want to further their studies in Malaysia, those who want to live in Malaysia or travel to Malaysia, or anyone who expects to master the basics in the Malay language.
The target audiences of this course are international students who want to further their studies in Malaysia, those who want to live in Malaysia or travel to Malaysia, or anyone who expects to master the basics in the Malay language.
- Identify the types and classification of words in Malay
- Create short paragraphs on selected topics using simple language styles in Malay.
- Demonstrate spoken skills using simple Malay language in daily conversation.
- Practice writing and speaking skills using simple Malay sentences.
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