Learning from the Past: A Guide for the Curious Researcher

Posted 2 years 4 months ago by The University of Nottingham

Duration : 3 weeks
Study Method : Online
Subject : History
Learn how to understand the past to explain the present, and get to know the amazing sources and resources of the British Library.
Course Description

Discover sources that help you understand the past, and explain the present!

The language of history determines how we view our world and understand urgent issues, such as the environment, conflict and human rights. This language is shaped by documents held in libraries and archives, and the ways in which researchers interpret these is constantly developing. This course will provide you with skills to discover and critically analyse the records of the past, including hidden treasures from the British Library’s collections. Researchers at the University of Nottingham and University of Birmingham will show how these collections influence the way we view our world today.

No prior knowledge or training is needed. This course is for people who are interested in how history informs the ways in which we view the world today, or are already using records to find out about the past. You may be thinking about starting a postgraduate course, want to find out more about a specialist interest, or are working on a family or local history project.

You don’t need any specific tools beyond those that you are using to access this course.


No prior knowledge or training is needed. This course is for people who are interested in how history informs the ways in which we view the world today, or are already using records to find out about the past. You may be thinking about starting a postgraduate course, want to find out more about a specialist interest, or are working on a family or local history project.

Career Path
  • Develop a research project on a topic of your choice
  • Assess the relevant scholarship and existing research
  • Collect and evaluate relevant primary sources from a variety of genres (written text, images/photos, oral history, recorded sound, web archive)
  • Debate your research plan with educators and other learners, be inspired by their ideas
  • Evaluate how history influences the contemporary world
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