Challenges in Antibiotic Resistance: Point Prevalence Surveys
Posted 2 years 4 months ago by BSAC
Use Point Prevalence Surveys (PPS) to combat antibiotic resistance.
Point Prevalence Surveys (PPS) are an important tool for healthcare professionals to use to assess and improve antibiotic prescribing locally, nationally and globally.
This online course - led by experts from the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC) - looks at their use. You’ll discover the importance of measuring antibiotic consumption and how PPS can help.
You’ll look at the steps required to conduct a PPS, including what data to collect and why, how to analyse, present and learn from it. You’ll also evaluate the limitations of PPS.
This course is designed for healthcare professionals who are responsible for infection management.
No specific tools or software required.
This course is designed for healthcare professionals who are responsible for infection management.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of measuring antimicrobial consumption.
- Demonstrate an understanding of how PPS work within the context of antimicrobial stewardship programmes.
- Evaluate the data to collect and why.
- Assess the training needed to undertake a PPS.
- Identify the human resources required to undertake a PPS.
- Demonstrate an understanding of data capture, analysis and presentation.
- Evaluate the limitations of PPS.
- Apply learning to drive improvements in antibiotic prescribing.
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