International Leadership: Politics and Philosophy in Leadership

Posted 2 years 4 months ago by Coventry University

Duration : 2 weeks
Study Method : Online
Subject : Business
Evaluate leadership philosophies and identify and distinguish these characteristics in various political leaders and scenarios.
Course Description

Explore how leadership can find a voice in today’s world

Explore different leadership approaches and understand their importance in moulding the characteristics of leaders and followers.

Develop your understanding of the role of philosophy in leadership as you look at relevant concepts such as what is authentic leadership and how does it compare to charismatic leadership?

On this course, you’ll have the chance to examine how leadership can find a voice in today’s world. Each lesson, delivered by experts with specialist interest in the field, will provide an opportunity to develop your awareness of the leadership characteristics needed to be effective within your organisation.

Learn how to identify different leadership philosophies

This course gives you a broad overview of a number of different philosophies in leadership.

You’ll look at Path-Goal theory, the Situational Approach, the Full Range Leadership Model, and the Leader-Member Exchange Theory.

Discussing the unique characteristics of each leadership approach, you’ll gain a better understanding of how they influence an organisation’s culture and outcomes.

Use philosophy to a better leader in your organisation

Identify and discuss examples of political leaders and their leadership approaches.

You’ll use relevant case studies to explore models and concepts such as authentic leadership, charismatic leadership and transformational leadership.

You’ll also discuss how these approaches influence the various political and philosophical stances of international leaders around the world.

This course is for those wanting to progress into a leadership role, and those looking for leadership skills as part of their continued professional development.


This course is for those wanting to progress into a leadership role, and those looking for leadership skills as part of their continued professional development.

Career Path
  • Identify and discuss the situational approach, path-goal theory and leader-member exchange theory
  • Discuss charismatic and transformational leadership
  • Explore and evaluate authentic leadership
  • Identify and discuss some examples of political leaders and their leadership approaches
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