Precalculus: the Mathematics of Numbers, Functions and Equations
Posted 2 years 4 months ago by University of Padova
Get an introduction to precalculus fundamentals
This course is the first of two precalculus courses from the University of Padova that will provide you with an introduction to the fundamental mathematical skills required to complete your first course in calculus.
You will learn the basic precalculus required for college or undergraduate-level studies, including factoring and division, sets and set operations, reasoning and proofs, functions and graphs, and equations and inequalities.
On this online precalculus course, you will gain the foundation to support further mathematical studies and improve your use of maths in everyday life.
This course is for anyone who wants to brush up on their basic mathematical skills, particularly students in the last year of high school, or at the beginning of undergraduate studies, who intend to take a first course in calculus.
This course is for anyone who wants to brush up on their basic mathematical skills, particularly students in the last year of high school, or at the beginning of undergraduate studies, who intend to take a first course in calculus.
- Describe the basic arithmetic of numbers, including absolute value and radicals
- Identify the standard notation for sets and set operations
- Explain the elements of mathematical reasoning and proofs
- Classify the types of functions and their graphs
- Solve polynomials: roots, factoring, and division
- Solve equations and inequalites
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