The Future of Cyber Security and Emerging Technologies

Posted 2 years 4 months ago by Coventry University

Duration : 2 weeks
Study Method : Online
Subject : IT & Computer Science
Discuss the future of cyber security, emerging technologies, the challenges they pose and the development of cyber solutions.
Course Description

What does the future hold for cyber security and are we ready for it?

On this course, you’ll explore the future of cyber security and how organisations should respond to cyber incidents. You’ll have the chance to examine emerging technologies and the security-related challenges they pose.

You’ll discuss the sophistication of growing threats to organisations that conduct their business online and whether or not a bulletproof solution for these threats is possible.

Understand threat management and critical infrastructure protection

You’ll consider what responsibilities corporate and public-sector boards have for oversight of cyber and information security.

You’ll then explore critical infrastructure protection and how it relates to the preparedness and response to serious incidents that involve the infrastructure of a region or nation.

You’ll also unpack the role of the board, the importance of cross-organisational commitment, and how the digital-dependent business world amplifies the impact of cyber attacks.

Discover emerging technologies and the Gartner Hype Cycle

Explore the impact of new technologies on cyber security and analyse the Gartner Hype Cycle, which details five different emerging technology movements that blur the lines between humans and machines.

You’ll consider key reasons why new technology systems can be more vulnerable to cyber attacks due to vulnerabilities in their hardware and software components, and the result of human error.

Finally, you’ll discuss the future of threat management, the influence this will have on corporate security and whether workplaces and employees will be able to keep up.

This course is for anyone who is keen to increase their knowledge of digital security risks and the tools and techniques used to guard against them.


This course is for anyone who is keen to increase their knowledge of digital security risks and the tools and techniques used to guard against them.

Career Path
  • Assess how the nature of cyber threats evolves
  • Discuss if yesterday’s prevention strategies are adequate for preventing advanced, targeted attacks
  • Discuss the key areas shaping the future of cyber security
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