Telemedicine: Tools to Support Growth Disorders in a Post-COVID Era

Posted 2 years 4 months ago by Taipei Medical University

Duration : 4 weeks
Study Method : Online
Subject : Healthcare & Medicine
Understand the importance of eTools and digital health in providing care and supporting individuals with growth disorders.
Course Description

Improve your digital literacy to address eHealth for growth disorders

With the combination of COVID-19 and the rise of new technologies, telemedicine has become essential in providing healthcare. Doctors and health practitioners can use technology to deliver care to patients at a distance, but it requires a level of digital literacy.

On this four-week course, you’ll learn how to improve digital literacy in diagnosis management. In particular, you’ll examine the ways eHealth can support individuals with growth disorders based on case studies from pediatric patients requiring growth hormone treatment.

This course will help you improve your knowledge and confidence in using eHealth and telemedicine to support clinical decision-making.

Explore the challenges and opportunities in eHealth

At all stages of the patient journey, eHealth tools can have a significant impact. You’ll discover various digital tools as you build your knowledge on the evaluation and management of growth disorders.

You’ll explore the best practices for utilising eTools and data science to manage growth disorders in children and adolescents.

Considering the viewpoints of caregivers, patients, and health care providers, you’ll identify challenges, opportunities, and solutions in eHealth to better understand its role in clinical care.

Understand chronic disease management with Taipei Medical University

You’ll learn alongside experts at TMU to research the long-term impact of digital health in managing growth disorders.

You’ll examine factors such as usability, impact on quality of life, and implementation strategies, and understand how to apply this knowledge to broader chronic disease management.

By the end of the course, you’ll have the skills and confidence to start implementing telemedicine techniques into your practice.

Please note – Spanish subtitles are available

This course is designed for those with experience and an interest in growth disorders.

Whether you’re a student, doctor, or pediatric endocrinologist, this course is designed to help you learn more about digital health.


This course is designed for those with experience and an interest in growth disorders.

Whether you’re a student, doctor, or pediatric endocrinologist, this course is designed to help you learn more about digital health.

Career Path
  • Explore what eHealth is, telemedicine and how it applies to evaluation and management of growth disorders
  • Discussion on emerging understanding of challenges, opportunities and eHealth solutions as applied for management of growth from the viewpoints of caregivers, patients and health care providers
  • Engage in the activities that support the understanding and application of research methods for the evaluation of digital health tools
  • Investigate additional resources related to digital health in the view of setting up research proposals
  • Explore how eHealth applies to cope with disorders
  • Explore how eHealth tools can be applied to other disorders
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