Transporting Children with Disabilities and Medical Conditions

Duration : 3 weeks
Study Method : Online
Subject : Healthcare & Medicine
Learn from experts about research, standards, and practices to improve road safety for children travelling in motor vehicles.
Course Description

Discounted rate for Australian health professionals and students.

To access this discount, please visit MACA’s website to enrol.

Understand children’s vulnerability on our roads and how to improve road safety

Children with disabilities face an increased risk of injuries and fatalities in a crash compared to other children.

On this course from Mobility and Accessibility for Children in Australia Ltd (MACA), you’ll develop your knowledge and skills to support safe motor vehicle transport of these vulnerable road users. You’ll do this by investigating the latest research, standards, products, and best practice prescribing approaches.

On completion, you’ll be able to confidently apply family-centred road safety practice, helping families to participate in everyday life and improving road safety.

Build capability and confidence in prescribing for children’s safe transport needs

You’ll explore best-practice prescribing approaches and practical tools to improve your knowledge and confidence in the specialised area of transporting children with disabilities and medical conditions.

Discover key standards and vehicle restraint options used by children with disabilities and medical conditions

There are key differences in the standards relating to transporting children with disabilities and medical conditions. You’ll investigate relevant Australian and overseas standards, and explore vehicle restraint options and associated guidelines and programs.

Discover the impact of transport on family life

Supporting children’s transport needs through family-centred practice is essential for families’ wellbeing, as well as social and economic participation in the community.

During this course, you’ll discover useful tools and resources to assist you in working with children and families. You’ll also explore scope of practice, restrictive practice, and documentation.

This course is designed for allied health professionals interested in developing their knowledge and skills in applying a best practice approach to supporting the vehicle transport needs of children (under 16 years) with disabilities and medical conditions.

The course is also suitable for tertiary students of allied health such as those studying occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation engineering.

It is also relevant to suppliers, manufacturers, government agencies, policy makers, and staff in organisations involved in supporting children’s transport.


This course is designed for allied health professionals interested in developing their knowledge and skills in applying a best practice approach to supporting the vehicle transport needs of children (under 16 years) with disabilities and medical conditions.

The course is also suitable for tertiary students of allied health such as those studying occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation engineering.

It is also relevant to suppliers, manufacturers, government agencies, policy makers, and staff in organisations involved in supporting children’s transport.

Career Path
  • Engage with the latest research in the field of safe motor vehicle transport for children with disabilities and medical conditions
  • Develop relevant knowledge and understanding to strengthen your practice and leadership in this area
  • Apply an evidence-based approach to assessing and prescribing for the vehicle transport needs of children with disabilities and medical conditions
  • Identify strategies to embed motor vehicle transport planning in day-to-day practice.
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Mobility and Accessibility for Children and Adults Ltd (MACA)
