Uniting for a Sustainable Future: An Introduction to Global Sustainability

Posted 2 years 4 months ago by The University of Glasgow

Study Method : Online
Duration : 3 weeks
Subject : Nature & Environment
How do we create a sustainable future? Discover the path to global sustainability and how to take sustainable steps in your life.
Course Description

Understand the importance of sustainable development

Sustainability is a difficult issue spanning many disciplines. To tackle its complexity, we must take a collaborative approach to understand how to approach sustainability on a global scale.

On this three-week course, you’ll uncover a cross-disciplinary perspective on sustainability. You’ll explore human impacts on the environment as well as examining the global challenges humans face.

You’ll delve into concepts of sustainability and sustainable development, including the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as defined by the UN, to understand the importance of working towards a sustainable future.

Explore sustainable solutions to global challenges

You’ll explore the critical obstacles to achieving global sustainability, before examining how we can overcome them.

You’ll learn how you can use sustainable solutions to tackle a range of global challenges such as population, poverty, climate change, inequality, and more.

Learn how to live a more sustainable lifestyle

Throughout the course, you’ll explore examples of sustainability to help you learn how to apply sustainability principles to different areas of your life, which could also lead to inspiring change in those around you.

By the end of this course, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to live more sustainably as well as an understanding of how to work together to respond to global challenges.

This course is designed for anyone interested in sustainability.

It is best suited for beginners who want more of an understanding of sustainability principles.


This course is designed for anyone interested in sustainability.

It is best suited for beginners who want more of an understanding of sustainability principles.

Career Path
  • Explain concepts of sustainability and sustainable development
  • Reflect on social equity and economic development
  • Explore human impacts on the global environment
  • Investigate global challenges (Population, Poverty, Ecosystems, Climate Change, Energy, Water, Environmental, Inequality, Pollution and waste etc.)
  • Evaluate sustainable solutions to global challenges
  • Apply sustainability principles into day-to-day life