Duales Studium BWL Immobilienmanagement PKF hotelexperts

Posted 4 days 17 hours ago by iba | University of Cooperative Education

Not Specified
Bayern, München, Germany, 80335
Job Description

About PKF hospitality group
The PKF hospitality group is an internationally recognised market leader in the field of hospitality. We provide a full range of consulting and other services for the hotel, living, tourism & leisure sectors through four advisory divisions - PKF hotelexperts, PKF livingexperts, PKF tourismexperts and PKF leisureexperts.

With a track record dating back as far as 1869, PKF is the pioneer in hospitality consulting. The introduction of the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (USALI) in 1927, spearheaded by PKF's founder William J Forster, marks the beginning of the firm's dedicated hospitality advisory activities.

Today, a fully integrated global team of over 100 consultants in 20 offices in 15 countries (Argentina, Austria, China, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA) provides seamless international hospitality services.

- research activities
- correction of studies
- preparation of presentations
- writing press releases
- assistance with site and market analyses
- assistance with projects (especially with feasibility studies)

future perspectives during your dual study programme and afterwards:
- transaction consulting from start to finish
- networking: working with and possibly in our international offices

- previous work experience/internship (ideally in the hotel industry)
- good IT knowledge (especially Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- advanced writing skills for your marketing/pr related tasks
- elaborate mathematical/analytical skills
- very good knowledge of English and (ideally) one other language
- flexible, able to cope with pressure, enthusiastic, helpful and considerate

Informationen zur iba:
Die iba Internationale Berufsakademie ist Deutschlands größte staatlich anerkannte Berufsakademie. Das Studienangebot umfasst die dualen Bachelorstudiengänge: BWL und BWL Interkulturelle Kompetenzen in je 20 Spezialisierungen, Soziale Arbeit & Management und Soziale Arbeit, Management & Coaching, Angewandte Therapiewissenschaften - Physiotherapie und Angewandte Therapiewissenschaften - Schwerpunkt Ergotherapie. An 13 Studienorten (Baden-Baden, Berlin, Bochum, Darmstadt, Erfurt, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Kassel, Köln, Leipzig, München, Münster, Nürnberg) bildet die iba Studierende im Modell der geteilten Woche gemeinsam mit ihrem Netzwerk aus insgesamt 7.000 Partnern aus.

Studienstart im WS 25/26

iba Campus München
Frau Marijana Bralo
Bayerstraße 73
80335 München
