Senior Content Designer - Welsh Speaking

Posted 2 hours 54 minutes ago by BJSS

Not Specified
Design Jobs
South Glamorgan, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Job Description
About Us

We're an award-winning innovative tech consultancy - a team of creative problem solvers. Since 1993 we've been finding better, more sustainable ways to solve complex technology problems for some of the world's leading organisations and delivered solutions that millions of people use every day.

In the last 30 years we won several awards, including a prestigious Queen's Award for Enterprise in the Innovation category for our Enterprise Agile delivery approach.

Operating from 26 locations across the world, we bring together teams of creative experts with diverse backgrounds and experiences, who enjoy working and learning in our collaborative and open culture and are committed to world-class delivery.

We want to continue to grow our team with people just like you!

About the Role

This is an exciting opportunity for someone to make a difference to public service delivery in Wales. As well as helping our clients create simple, engaging experiences for their users, we're looking for a skilled Content Designer that can help usdevelop and grow our approach to designing and developing bilingual services in Wales.

As part of BJSS Wales, you will:

  • Lead the design of bilingual content for digital products (websites, apps, user interfaces) in Welsh and English
  • Develop best practices for designing and testing bilingual digital services and content including trio writing
  • Champion high-quality Welsh-language content both internally and externally
  • Make complex language and processes easy to understand
  • Iterate designs and evidence your decisions with user research and data
  • Use information architecture and prioritisation to structure content effectively
  • Have a strong understanding of different design roles, and collaboratively develop connected end-to-end content
  • Lead the design and implementation of content strategy
  • Collaborate and plan with researchers to run content-led usability testing
  • Design accessible content that meets WCAG 2.1 requirements
  • Meet user needs and identify opportunities to improve designs, peer reviews, and content crits
  • Support junior content designers to deliver work to a high standard
  • Create appropriate tone of voice and style guidance for clients
  • Design and implement content governance processes
  • Build excellent stakeholder relationships and influence senior decision makers
  • Advocate for content design with clients and across the wider BJSS community
  • Share your knowledge with the wider BJSS community, stay up to date with content design best practice, and write blogs
About You

You'll be:

  • Proficient in both written and spoken Welsh and English languages (essential)
  • Experienced in working with Digital Service Standard for Wales, GDS or NHS Service Standard is highly desirable
  • An experienced content designer with a varied experience of human centred design
  • Pragmatic, collaborative, and adaptable in different project environments
  • Passionate about designing accessible and inclusive content
  • Experienced at turning ideas into reality through prototyping
  • Skilled at scoping design work, and identifying and communicating risks to delivery
  • Comfortable having difficult conversations with stakeholders about the importance of human centred design
  • Confident presenting ideas and recommendations, and facilitating workshops
  • A strategic thinker, able to support others to meet business objectives
  • Able to lead others in solving problems creatively
  • Confident recommending and using appropriate design tools, like content management systems and Figma
  • Interested in learning and developing your skills

Good to have:

  • Developing content design patterns
  • Experience in agile or multidisciplinary environment
  • A range of public and private sectors, or consulting
  • Search engine optimisation (SEO) best practice
Some of the Perks
  • Flexible benefits allowance - you choose how to spend your allowance (additional pension contributions, healthcare, dental and more)
  • Industry leading health and wellbeing plan - we partner with several wellbeing support functions to cater to each individual's need, including 24/7 GP services, mental health support, and other
  • Life Assurance (4 x annual salary)
  • 25 days annual leave plus bank holidays
  • Hybrid working - Our roles are not fully remote as we take pride in the tight knit communities we have created at our local offices. But we offer plenty of flexibility and you can split your time between the office, client site and WFH
  • Discounts - we have preferred rates from dozens of retail, lifestyle, and utility brands
  • An industry-leading referral scheme with no limits on the number of referrals
  • Flexible holiday buy/sell option
  • Electric vehicle scheme
  • Training opportunities and incentives - we support professional certifications across engineering and non-engineering roles, including unlimited access to O'Reilly
  • Giving back - the ability to get involved nationally and regionally with partnerships to get people from diverse backgrounds into tech
  • You will become part of a squad with people from different areas within the business who will help you grow at BJSS
  • We have a busy social calendar that you can choose to join- quarterly town halls/squad nights out/weekends away with families included/office get togethers
  • GymFlex gym membership programme
Ynglŷn â'r rôl

Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i rywun wneud gwahaniaeth i ddarpariaeth gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yng Nghymru. Yn ogystal â helpu ein cleientiaid i greu profiadau syml a diddorol i'w defnyddwyr, rydym yn chwilio am Ddylunydd Cynnwys medrus a all ein helpu i ddatblygu a thyfu ein dull o ddylunio a datblygu gwasanaethau dwyieithog yng Nghymru.

Fel rhan o Uned Fusnes BJSS Cymru byddwch yn:

  • Arwain dylunio cynnwys dwyieithog ar gyfer cynnyrch digidol (gwefannau, apiau, rhyngwynebau defnyddwyr) yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg
  • Datblygu arferion gorau ar gyfer dylunio a phrofi gwasanaethau a chynnwys digidol dwyieithog gan gynnwys ysgrifennu triawd
  • Hyrwyddo cynnwys Cymraeg o ansawdd uchel yn fewnol ac allanol
  • Gwneud iaith a phrosesau cymhleth yn hawdd eu deall
  • Adolygu dyluniadau a darparu tystiolaeth o'ch penderfyniadau gydag ymchwil a data defnyddwyr
  • Defnyddio pensaernïaeth gwybodaeth a blaenoriaethu i strwythuro cynnwys yn effeithiol
  • Meddu ar ddealltwriaeth gref o wahanol rolau dylunio, a datblygu cynnwys cysylltiedig ar y cyd
  • Arwain y gwaith o ddylunio a gweithredu strategaeth cynnwys
  • Cydweithio a chynllunio gydag ymchwilwyr i gynnal profion defnyddioldeb o dan arweiniad cynnwys
  • Dylunio cynnwys hygyrch sy'n bodloni gofynion WCAG 2.1
  • Diwallu anghenion defnyddwyr a nodi cyfleoedd i wella dyluniadau, adolygiadau cyfoedion, a crits cynnwys
  • Cefnogi dylunwyr cynnwys iau i gyflwyno gwaith i safon uchel
  • Creu tôn priodol o lais ac arddull ar gyfer cleientiaid
  • Dylunio a gweithredu prosesau ar gyfer llywodraethiant cynnwys
  • Meithrin perthnasau ardderchog â rhanddeiliaid a dylanwadu ar uwch benderfynwyr
  • Hyrwyddo dylunio cynnwys gyda chleientiaid ac ar draws cymuned ehangach BJSS
  • Rhannu'ch gwybodaeth gyda'r gymuned BJSS, yn cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am arfer gorau dylunio cynnwys, ac ysgrifennu blogiau
Amdanoch chi

Byddwch yn:

  • Gyfathrebwr medrus yn yr iaith Gymraeg a'r Saesneg yn ysgrifenedig ac ar lafar (hanfodol)
  • Brofiadol wrth weithio gyda Safonau Gwasanaethau Digidol i Gymru, GDS neu Safon gwasanaeth y GIG (NHS) sydd yn ddymunol iawn
  • Ddylunydd cynnwys profiadol sydd â phrofiad amrywiol o ddylunio sy'n canolbwyntio ar bobl
  • Bragmatig, cydweithredol, ac addasadwy mewn gwahanol amgylcheddau prosiect
  • Angerddol am ddylunio cynnwys hygyrch a chynhwysol
  • Brofiadol o droi syniadau'n realiti trwy brototeipio
  • Gallu dangos eich sgiliau wrth ddadansoddi gwaith dylunio, ac adnabod a chyfathrebu am risgiau wrth ddarparu
  • Gyfforddus wrth gael sgyrsiau anodd gyda rhanddeiliaid am bwysigrwydd dylunio sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn
  • Hyderus wrth gyflwyno syniadau ac argymhellion ac wrth hwyluso gweithdai
  • Meddyliwr strategol, yn gallu cefnogi eraill i gyflawni amcanion busnes
  • Gallu arwain eraill i ddatrys problemau yn greadigol
  • Hyderus yn argymell a defnyddio offer dylunio priodol, fel systemau rheoli cynnwys a Figma
  • Dangos diddordeb wrth ddysgu a datblygu eich sgiliau

Pwyntiau bonws os oes gennych brofiad mewn:

  • datblygu patrymau dylunio cynnwys
  • profiad mewn amgylchedd hyblyg neu amlddisgyblaethol
  • amrywiaeth o sectorau cyhoeddus a phreifat, neu ymgynghori
  • arfer gorau ar gyfer optimeiddio peiriannau chwilio (SEO)