Swindon Council - Public Health Consultant
Posted 5 days 8 hours ago by Remedy Recruitment Group
The post holder will fulfill a generalist Public Health Consultant role and is expected to demonstrate expertise across the full range of relevant competencies as set out by the Faculty of Public Health (Appendix 1).
The postholder will act as a change agent, improving health outcomes in Swindon through systems and partnership working. Their work will be informed through assessment of need, an understanding of methods of meeting those needs and of approaches to gaining ownership across organisations and communities. The areas for which you will provide direct leadership will be agreed in your job plan and may change over time in line with the needs of the organisation.
On behalf of the local authority, the postholder working with the Director of Public Health (DPH) and other consultant colleagues will lead on improving the health and wellbeing of the residents which is underpinned by the statutory duty placed on local government to take such steps as it considers appropriate to improve health of its residents. The postholder will take responsibility for a set of strategic objectives of the local authority and the Health and Wellbeing Board in line with the agreed job plan and will act as a change agent to enable delivery of relevant outcome indicators from the public health, NHS and social care outcome frameworks. The postholder will be expected to work across organisations, be able to influence budgets held by those organisations as well as advocate for change effectively. They will hold direct managerial responsibility for services and budgets which directly contribute to these objectives will also have greater strategic responsibilities across the council and other agencies.
Strategic objectives for this senior post will be negotiated according to organisational requirements, key priorities and expertise within the directorate and will be outlined in the annual job plan. The lead areas will be agreed by the DPH in negotiation with the postholder but may include:
- Ensure development and maintenance of systems and processes to enable the authority to work with partners to respond to major incidents including health protection threats. He or she on behalf of the authority and the DPH will lead on those aspects that the Secretary of State delegates to the authority. She/he will ensure that partner organisations (UKHSA, OHID, the ICS, and NHS England) have appropriate mechanisms, to enable surge capacity to be delivered as and when required.
- On behalf of the authority to take responsibility for ensuring delivery of the public health mandated services such that the full range of benefits are delivered to residents of the authority. These services include sexual health services, NHS Health Checks, specialist public health support to the NHS. This will include taking responsibility for the relevant outcome indicators within Public Health, NHS (and Social Care) Outcome Frameworks and working across organisational boundaries.
- To lead work across all Council directorates as well as influencing partnership boards (dealing with health determinants) to maximise health improvement opportunities and the reduction of inequalities in health outcomes amongst residents. This will include using the Outcome Frameworks as well as exploring other relevant routinely collected data systems for suitable indicators.
- To lead on improving health and social outcomes for a particular client group; early years, children, working adults, older adults, learning disabilities, mental health etc.
The work will include working across the entire Council, NHS bodies (the Council has a statutory duty to provide public health advice to local NHS commissioners and the Council's Health and Wellbeing Board has a coordinating role for the whole of the health and care system) and other partner agencies. It will also involve influencing private sector, voluntary sector and community sector organisations that can impact on health and influencing the attitudes and behaviour both of professionals and of the population generally.
In delivering the strategic objectives the postholder will be expected to demonstrate expertise in the full range of relevant competencies as set out by the Faculty of Public Health. This includes evaluation techniques, policy analysis and translation and ability to communicate effectively with a range of stakeholders including politicians. In addition to any direct responsibility for managing staff or budgets, he/she will be responsible for change and improvement in the agreed areas of work and for supporting the delivery of the statutory duty of the Council to take the steps it considers necessary to improve the health of its communities.
If you are interested in this role please send your updated CV in the first instance.