Contract Management: Building Relationships in Business
Posted 2 years 4 months ago by University of Southampton
Investigate the world of business contracts
Struggling to understand business contracts at work? Try our free 3-week online course to understand contract management processes, gain the confidence to develop new contracts and build successful business relationships.
Contracts are fundamental to business activities and relationships are fundamental to all contracts. Learn all about the intricacies of contract management today. Take part in free webinars from World Commerce & Contracting experts.
Manage contracts successfully
Over three weeks, you will realise the importance, complexity and challenges of designing and delivering good contracts. You will learn how your objectives and those of your customer/client can be achieved in an effective way to minimise possible threats or failures.
Understand the nuances of business relationships
In this course, we’ll explore relationship fundamentals and complexities that relate to business contracts.
This will involve asking what can go right or wrong in relationships; examining the rules that govern public and private sector procurement, and asking how you can make the right decisions for your customers and clients.
We will look at the complex supply chains and networks that are a feature of many contracts, learning how to manage interdependencies and the needs of multiple stakeholders.
Discover more about business contracts with real-life examples
The final part of the course will bring the above ideas together, using an example scenario (the challenge of building your own house) to put theory into practice.
You can find out how this course helped the career of Laylo, a Contracts Manager at ZTE Investment Foreigner Enterprise, in her learner story.
(Course image: derivative work based on silhouettes © Nevena Radonja/Shutterstock.)
This free online course is designed for anyone who wants to better understand what is involved in commercial business relationships, and the process of managing contractual agreements.
It is suitable for those working in the public, private and third sectors.
This free online course is designed for anyone who wants to better understand what is involved in commercial business relationships, and the process of managing contractual agreements.
It is suitable for those working in the public, private and third sectors.
- Explore what can go right or wrong in relationships
- Debate how the rules and regulations that govern public and private sector procurement can affect behaviour
- Identify ways you can ensure that what you buy (or sell) is what you and your customer / client really needs
- Engage in a stakeholder analysis activity by sharing your own ideas and providing feedback on others
- Explore your supplier relationships and compare what your fellow learners are doing more or less of than in your own organisation
- Reflect on what actions you will now take to learn more about the course topics and take the lessons forward into your workplace
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