Create a Candidate Profile
Please create a profile only if you have the relevant qualifications for the jobs you are looking for.
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Create powerful profiles to get you noticed.
This job board and job marketplace centres around job seeker and recruiter and business profiles. If you decide to join our online job marketplace, you will be invited to create a personalised profile that is an accurate reflection of you or your business.
Profiles can either attract the right people to work for your company, or if you’re a job seeker, encourage business owners or recruiters to get in touch to find out more about you. Your profile should be compelling and written to encourage the reader to take action – to apply for your job opportunity if you’re a recruiter or if you’re a job seeker to encourage potential employers to reach out to you. The profile is an important feature so spend some time on developing the content. Include interests, skills, experiences and achievements.
As well as creating a profile to attract the right people, it also helps us better understand who you are and what your expectations are. This is important so we can provide you with more relevant jobs or candidates.
Job Seeker Profile
Setting up your profile is the first step after you sign up to Qualified Finder. It’s how you become visible. It should be written in a way to capture the interest of those looking to recruit. Treat the profile in a similar way you would operate on LinkedIn. Highlight your experience, your accomplishments and tailor it to the opportunities you hope to find. This will increase the chances of being found by the right businesses.
Creating a profile on this online job marketplace is easy and only takes a few minutes. You can include your:
• Name
• Contact details
• Qualifications and skills
• Work history
• Interests and preferences
• Achievements and awards
• What opportunities are of interest – Employed work, contracts, consulting or freelance.
When you take the time to fill out your profile, as a job seeker you can draw attention to your knowledge, expertise and skills while highlighting any achievements in your freelance, project or contract work. Profiles allow you to make an instant impact with potential employers or recruiters.
Profiles can capture the attention of a recruiter and show what there isn't room for on your CV. Make a great first impression with a potential recruiter or business owner. Optimise your profile around keywords and search terms that are specific to the opportunities you are searching for. This will give you even more chances of success in your search.
Recruiter or Business Profile
If you’re a recruiter, your profile plays an important role too. Members who use online job marketplace to search for work can browse through company profiles, sign up to alerts when you publish a new opportunity and find out more about your company. When you create a recruiter profile, you can:
• Include your company description, website and logo
• Post jobs
• Search for and contact candidates
• View candidates who are a match for your criteria directly through your recruiter dashboard
• Manage applications
A recruiter or business profile is the perfect place to set out what you expect from people who are interested in working for you. You can include expectations, your vision and mission, values and ethos as well as any principles or industry standards that you work to. This will ensure that you attract the right people to apply to work with you.
Get started and create your profile. It only takes a few minutes, and you could find your dream job or the perfect candidate for your business.