Rodolfo Mazzucchi (Translator, editor, proofreader, writer)



Multilingual, Interpreting and Translation


Master's degrees




53220 Saint-Mars-sur-la-Futaie, France


Foreign Language


Spanish - Argentina, French - France, English - United States

About Myself

My name is Rodolfo Mazzucchi MacSwain, born in 1961, and I have worked all my life as editor, writer, translator, and proofreader (English philologist, Ph.D. level.) Passionate about art, I am fluent in three languages ( English, French, Spanish) and am also able to communicate in Italian and Portuguese. I may provide written references gathered in over a quarter of a century of professional track record. Love the cold and rain, and for decades was very much involved in mountaineering and rock, ice, and high-altitude climbing. I was also a consumate musician and fly fisherman and tyer. I have an appetite for learning, and enjoy work well done, both intellectual and manual. I have lived in the United States of America, Argentina, Spain, southern France, China, Norway, East Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the Canary Islands, and Belgium, and have been residing in northern France for the last five years. Although raised in Virginia, USA, I hold a EU passport. You may find me on every social media (Ello, Vimeo, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook, Google +, YouTube, et cetera.)


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