10 tips for job search in the UK

20th Jul 2021

Locating new employment generally starts with searching online jobs in the UK for the latest listings. But that is not the only way to find work. In fact, there are a number of other things you can do to source a new position. Using sites to find UK jobs online can work for many applicants, but here are some other things you can try.

1.  Attend job fairs

As an alternative to searching for UK jobs online, keep a lookout for local job fairs. Companies looking to hire new talent will attend fairs in an effort to find new potential employees. You may find listings for local fairs online or advertised in the local paper or student magazine

2.  Use job alerts

Looking for online jobs in the UK can be made easier by using the technology tools available. These can save both time and energy when searching for UK jobs online. Job alerts will filter and sort relevant jobs and send them directly to you. This will mean that you receive listings instantly for your UK job search and will be able to respond quickly. 

3.  Internships

For recent college grads completing an internship can be a way in to organisations looking to hire. Check your job site for UK internships and apply for positions that suit your talents. Completing an internship demonstrates that you are dedicated to the career path and can open doors within the industry.

4.  Retrain or upskill

If your skills don’t quite match the position you want then think about upskilling or retraining. Many job sites in the UK offer free or reasonably priced training courses that you can use to improve your skills and employability. 

5.  Company websites

Check company websites for a careers page. Many companies will post their UK jobs online to their own business pages. Choose the company you want to work for and check their listings regularly. Applications that are submitted via the company website have the advantage of going direct to the recruitment team and have less chance of being lost among a large number of submissions from job sites. 

6.  Update your CV

Your CV provides information about your history, experience, and suitability for a role. Make sure it is completely up to date, include any special skills or training, and explain any gaps. It should provide a recruiter with a fully comprehensive overview of your ability and expertise. Upload your CV to UK job sites so that recruiters can find you when looking for potential candidates. 

7.  Networking and word of mouth

If your search for online jobs in the UK isn’t bringing the results you would like, it is important to remember that nothing is quite as powerful as word of mouth. If you have contacts at a company you would like to work for, reach out and ask for a referral or an introduction. Getting a referral from a friend or acquaintance is like giving a personal reference directly to the recruiter. 

8.  Transfer departments

If you already have a job and want to move to something different, ask for a transfer. Many businesses have multiple departments that perform different functions. One of them might have just the job you are seeking so check with your HR department for opportunities. This gives you the added benefit of remaining with your current company while building skills. 

9. Volunteer

Gaining experience in a role is a sure way to demonstrate to recruiters that you are serious. Check online jobs UK for volunteer ads in the industry that you would like to work in. There are often numerous opportunities that you can apply for, and volunteering can be a good way to make connections with influential company employees. It is not uncommon for volunteer positions to lead to full-time roles. 

10. Immigration documentation

Immigrants - If you are an immigrant that is seeking work in the UK then a UK job site can help you find local opportunities. If you have recently arrived in the country then you should check to make sure you have all the necessary documentation to allow you to work in the UK. Employers may request the following documentation to verify your authorisation to work. This could include:

  • Work permits/visas
  • Right to remain documentation
  • National insurance number
  • Residence card
  • Passport or birth certificate
  • Immigration status 

Skill Set- when searching for online jobs, the UK has strict requirements for certain positions. Make sure you meet all the necessary eligibility criteria and have the training or qualifications needed for the positions you are applying for.  


While the job market can be competitive, improving skills, retraining, and having the requirement in place before you apply can give you an advantage when finding a job. For foreign or immigrant applicants, work eligibility should be verified prior to beginning your search for a job.